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A four-week accelerator for those eligible for Chartered Geographer to focus your efforts in preparing your application portfolio.

If you are already eligible for Chartered Geographer but haven't found the time to complete your application, join our four-week accelerator to focus your efforts in preparing your application portfolio. Please be advised that it is expected that you attend all sessions when registering for this course. 

Sessions will be held on October 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th - 1pm to 1:30pm

Over the course of four 30 minute Thursday lunchtime webinars you will learn about the different elements of the application, have a chance to ask questions, and be given a piece of homework to complete over the following week. By the end of the programme, your application should only need the finishing touches before submission. 

The accelerator is designed for professionals who are very close to or already meet the eligibility requirements for Chartered Geographer. If you are unsure, please send a copy of your CV to for free and impartial advice. This event will be run online through Teams - joining details will be sent to registered participants ahead of each session. 

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Key Information

3 Oct 2024 - 24 Oct 2024, 1.00pm-1.30pm

Non-member £0.00, Member £0.00
Book Now

This event is recognised by the Society as being suitable professional development for Chartered Geographer and may also be suitable for other professional accreditations.