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12 Results found

Willis Towers Watson

Includes a range of internships in the UK and worldwide.

UK Space Agency/Satellite Applications Catapult

The Space Placements in INdustry (SPIN) scheme provides placement opportunities for those considering employment in the space sector.

The Access Project

Volunteer tutoring to support disadvantaged students.

London Wildlife Trust

Very short description of work involved (copy to Metadata)

Turing Institute

The Turing Internship Network is a national engagement scheme between business partners and doctoral students across the UK who are studying any topic with a data science and/or AI focus.


Opportunities to work with NatureScot and partners to help improve the natural environment and inspire others to care about it.

Natural England

Natural England’s volunteers  get involved in a wide variety of tasks - from scientific surveying to enthusing visitors on National Nature Reserves (NNRs)

National Trust

A range of local volunteering/work experience opportunities.

Met Office

Met Office work experience and placements at multiple levels.


Opportunities with Jacobs across various disciplines including geospatial and digital, transport planning, project management and strategic consulting.

Department for Education - Teaching internships

A teaching internship gives you the opportunity to spend three weeks in a school and find out what teaching is really like.

Department for Education - Get school experience

School experience allows you to find out more about teaching by visiting schools.