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This course is intended to give experienced EVCs a framework and resources for providing training for visit leaders in their own schools. The course is accredited by the Outdoor Education Advisers’ Panel (OEAP) and training will make use of current government literature relating to school visits.

The OEAP National Guidance Document  - Requirements and Recommendations for Employers states that:

'It is recommended that: Visit Leaders should undertake Visit Leader Training, with regular update training, delivered by an Outdoor Education Adviser or experienced EVC.'

In many maintained schools visit leader training is provided by the retained Outdoor Education Adviser. Experience shows that many Independent Schools do not provide formal visit leader training to their staff and will often only provide administrative training on how to organise a trip rather than training on competence, duty of care, effective supervision, risk management, avoiding incidents, emergency procedures, etc.

About the course

This course is intended to give experienced EVCs a framework and resources for providing training for visit leaders in their own schools. 

It is important that an EVC providing this training in their own School has the specific competence to do so. This is best demonstrated by significant experience of organising and leading trips complemented by several years of experience as an EVC. If you are unsure about whether you have sufficient experience please contact us before booking.

Course numbers will be capped at 14 to facilitate discussion. The course is provided by Andrew Dimberline.

Cancellation policy

This event will be held on the premises of the Society and is an in-person event. If the course has to be re-organised then delegates will be given the option to transfer to a future course or receive a full refund. No refunds on bookings cancelled less than four weeks before the course.

Further information

The course is accredited by the Outdoor Education Advisers’ Panel (OEAP) and training will make use of current government literature relating to school visits.

By attending this course, delegates will earn 5 CPD points which can be put towards the yearly requirement of 35 CPD points to attain Chartered Geographer status. A certificate of attendance will be given for all delegates.

Making a booking

Making a booking on behalf of someone else
  1. Select group booking
  2. Additional attendees: insert number of people you want to book on behalf of
  3. Under group booking section: 
    1. Are you personally attending this event? * NO
    2. Are you the organiser of the group? * YES
    3. Do you know the details of other attendee(s)? * YES
  4. Additional attendees – fill in details of the person/people you are booking on behalf of and click ‘Add’
  5. Click ‘Next’ once all additional attendee details have been added
  6. In your basket will be the tickets for the event. Proceed to checkout once you have added all the events you would like to book for. 

Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), 1 Kensington Gore, London, SW7 2AR

This event is recognised by the Society as being suitable professional development for Chartered Geographer and may also be suitable for other professional accreditations.

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Key Information

9 October 2024, 9.45am-4.30pm
Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)

Member £252.00, Non-member £280.00
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