Geographical Club
The Geographical Club is a members dining club with historical ties to the Society.
The Geographical Club is a members dining club which has its origins in the Raleigh Club, a dining club for explorers and travellers, established in 1826. At a meeting of that Club in 1830 a new Society, The Geographical Society of London, was formed and this subsequently became the Royal Geographical Society.
In 1854 the Raleigh Club was dissolved and the Geographical Club created. The Club has kept close links with Society and it supports the Society through funding conservation work in the Society's archives and the Geographical Club Award.
Today the Club meets for dinner approximately eight times a year.
The Club has a wide ranging membership of Fellows of the Society, with geographical interests whose backgrounds span academia, exploration, travel, authorship, commerce and the wider world. Many Club members have served on the Council of the Society or been closely involved with it through fieldwork and research.
Fellows can be proposed for membership by two Club members and any Fellow serving on Council is entitled to take up membership if they wish.
Honorary Secretary and Treasurer
John Kedar
T: 07493 917 582
E: johnkedar@hotmail.com
Club Administrator
Rana Rofifah
T: 020 7591 3179
E: GeogClubAdmin@rgs.org
Are you a Geographical Club member?
Access member-only information and book Club dinners.