Our work with higher education
Find out how we promote equality, diversity, and inclusion in higher education through various initiatives and partnerships.
Supporting and enabling Research Groups
Our Research and Working Groups bring together active researchers and those with a professional interest in a particular aspect of geography and related disciplines.
The Gender and Feminist Geography Research Group (GFGRG); the Race, Culture and Equality Working Group (RACE); and the Space Sexualities and Queer Research Group (SCGRG) encourage, promote and facilitate research, teaching and positive action through collaboration, both within geography and between geography and other disciplines.
Publishing journal papers advancing new understanding on the discipline's practices
Some examples include:
Towards a Black British geography? in Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers
RACE Group special section in Area
Decolonising geographical knowledges in Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers
Anti‐Racist Learning and Teaching in British Geography in special section in Area
Virtual collection: Black Geographies in the Society’s journals
Teaching and learning resources
We aim to support high quality teaching and learning in geography by providing a diverse range of resources for higher education providers and students. These include resources on race and racism, decolonising the curriculum, and fieldwork and disability.
Equality Challenge Unit
We actively encourage UK higher education geography departments to engage with the Equality Challenge Unit and its charters when considering the equality and diversity of their staff and students, and practices to support them. Resources and workshops to enable community collaboration in support of application for Athena SWAN Charter, and the Race Equality Charter Mark, to improve the representation, progression can be found there as well.
Fieldwork apprenticeships
We offer grants for disadvantaged undergraduate students to participate in a fieldwork project led by one of their university lecturers.