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We respond regularly to consultations and calls for evidence from government departments, Parliamentary Select Committees and other bodies.

Joint response from the Society and the GA to the Advanced British Standard (ABS) consultation

The Society and the GA have submitted a joint response to the government consultation on the reform of qualifications for the ages of 16-18 in England.

The future of population and migration statistics in England and Wales

A response on the future of population and migration statistics in England and Wales, on behalf of, and following consultation with, our members. These include researchers and professionals from national and local government, academia and the private sector.

Research Excellence Framework 2028: issues for further consultation following the initial decisions

Our response welcomes that REF2028, overall, is taking strides towards measuring the capability of institutions to develop researchers and recognise collective endeavours, however highlights the significant amount of change (between REF2021/REF2028) with limited time for implementation.

Reform of higher education research assessment and funding

Our response to this Department for Education and Skills (now-DfE) consultation evaluates the meaning and role of metrics in RAE2008 assessments

1+3 model for postgraduate funding

Our response evaluates the 1+3 model in general, and highlights inflexible quota allocations and limited options for quantitative training as discipline-specific issues.

Education Outside the Classroom Manifesto

Our response to the DfE notes that geography is not mentioned in the consultation document, despite at the time being the only subject with statutory reference to the provision of fieldwork in school. It also advocates for substantive commitments to fieldwork.

Consultation on postgraduate funding

Our response calls for AHRC recognition of geography in interdisciplinary or non-humanities units, and evaluates how several funding proposals might affect geography researchers

Draft GCSE Subject Criteria for Geography

Our response expresses concerns about overlap between the KS3 programme and A Level/GCSE criteria, especially where KS3 requirements are more demanding. It also advocates for a broader approach to fieldwork assessment.

Draft Geography KS3 National Curriculum

Our response welcomes the proposed greater flexibility for teachers in choosing case studies, and the inclusion of fieldwork and GIS in geographical education.

Large facilities roadmap 2007

Our response stresses the importance to the social sciences of investment and development towards data collection, management and analysis facilities.

NERC strategy (2007)

Our response emphasises the need to support hydrology/water science, responsive mode research and international collaboration. It also requests clarity around how "environmental" themes will be integrated in projects.

Proposed Research Excellence Framework (2008)

Our response summarises and highlights community views on the proposals for REF, conveying support for dual funding, non-STEM mode of assessment, and discipline-based peer-review. This response refers to what ultimately became REF2014.