We respond regularly to consultations and calls for evidence from government departments, Parliamentary Select Committees and other bodies.
Consultation on careers guidance for schools, sixth form colleges and further education institutions
Our response to the DfE consultation on careers guidance provision welcomes the prospect of extending guidance to 12-12 year olds, and 16-18 year olds. Response submitted 2012
Education in London
Our response to this inquiry into school education in London advocates for supporting the Ebac and encouraging an understanding of geography
Government alcohol strategy
Our response highlights geographies of alcohol consumption, drawing on an RGS-IBG policy conference and brief in 2010.
Ofqual controlled assessment review
Our response notes that feedback from teachers suggests less teaching time, as well as noting "unanimous support" for fieldwork
Proposals for the Reform of A Levels in England
Our response advocates for the inclusion of coursework and consistent fieldwork across each cohort. We also support comparability of demand and content in different specifications.
Career Guidance for Young People
We argue that the statutory requirement for careers guidance should be extended, and welcome the proposed extension of advice to Year 8 pupils
Proposal to merge BAS (British Antarctic Survey) and NOC (National Oceanography Centre)
A consultation on the proposed merged of BAS and NOC. Our response says there is insufficient evidence to support merging the centres
Science and Society
Our response to the follow-up consultation on "A Vision for Science and Society" by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (now Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy). Our response argues that geography should be recognised more widely as a part-STEM discipline.
Reform to Key Stage 4 Qualifications
A consultation on changes to KS4 examination. Our response advocates a common grading structure, external marking, fieldwork, and independently-run CPD for teachers
Student number controls and teaching funding: Consultation on arrangements for 2012-2014 and beyond
We argue the proposals penalise geography' success; that teaching costs, particularly from fieldwork, have been underestimated; and that HEFCE's approach rewards higher-fee institutions.