We respond regularly to consultations and calls for evidence from government departments, Parliamentary Select Committees and other bodies.
Inquiry into the National Curriculum
Our response emphasises the role of geography as an independent but highly-connected discipline, and advocates for subject expertise and greater time made available in the teaching of geography.
The Impact of Spending Cuts on Science and Scientific Research
Our response strongly states that geography should be understood as a part-STEM subject, and defends the contribution of geography to scientific research and value creation
Learning Outside the Classroom
Our written evidence advocates that fieldwork, as LOTC, should be part of every pupil’s education. We also convey feedback from teachers on changes to fieldwork provision.
Inquiry on the future of higher education
Our response highlights the employability of geography graduates, and the relevance of geographical skills in industry. We also call for better access to quality information on courses and careers, and funding support for teaching and research.
Inquiry on the English Baccalaureate
Our response welcomes the inclusion of geography as an EBacc subject, and predicts that inclusion will increase uptake of geography in schools. It also highlights the role of the Society in providing professional development and implementing the Action Plan for Geography
Allocation of science and research funding
We endorse the dual support approach to funding, and argue for the ringfenced AR funding consistent with geography's accepted part-STEM status.
Practical experiments in school science lessons and science field trips
We argue that that fieldwork should remain a compulsory part of a statutory geography curriculum and highlight the Society's activities in support of fieldwork.
Spending Review 2010 inquiry
Our written response to the Science and Technology Committee's inquiry into spending review argued for greater recognition and support for the role of social sciences, arts and humanities in research.
The census and social science inquiry
In evidence submitted to the Commons Science and Technology Committee, we outline how geographers use census data, and its importance to social science research and government decision-making.
Higher Education in STEM subjects
A call for evidence on higher education in STEM subjects, particularly the supply of students. Our response reiterates that geography is a part-STEM subject which offers
Government alcohol strategy
Our response highlights geographies of alcohol consumption, drawing on an RGS-IBG policy conference and brief in 2010.
Career Guidance for Young People
We argue that the statutory requirement for careers guidance should be extended, and welcome the proposed extension of advice to Year 8 pupils