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I worked for Defra as an environmental scientist and geographer for many years. This included working on long-term monitoring to see how the environment has changed, the EU Earth Observation Programme and developing the Government Geography Profession. I am a Chartered Geographer. I am now the Professional and Policy Manager at the RGS, supporting those who use geography within their careers, and advocating for geographical careers.


  • Location: Chepstow
  • Part of the day: day time, evening activities
  • Key stage: Key Stage 3/4/5/other
  • Themes: cities, energy, environment, geopolitics, hazards

Current or most recent role

I am the Professional and Policy Manager at the Society. My role includes advocating for geographical careers, knowledge exchange and professional engagement. I also work on apprenticeships.

Previous experience

Previously undertaken career fairs, in class room activities at primary and secondary level. Stem ambassador.

Why I want to become a Professional Ambassador

Engaging with young people about the possibilities of geographically related careers is amazing! I enjoy exploring different opportunities with young people, and showing where geography is relevant across many sectors.
