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We've received support from National Lottery players for over 20 years, which enables us to open up our amazing Collections to inspire and inform everyone about our planet, it's people and environments.  This National Lottery Open Week we’re saying #Thankstoyou and unlocking our archives.

This talk will uncover the hidden histories of this early archaeological expedition to Rapa Nui (Easter Island). Led by the Oxford-educated Katherine Routledge, the 1912-1916 Mana expedition was the first to systematically survey the famous moai statues on Rapa Nui, forming a basis for subsequent archaeological investigation.

The talk will situate Katherine and her work in the broader context of women’s involvement with Society-supported expeditions during this period, and explore her collaborations with local and Indigenous people on the island, most notably Juan Tepano, and their contributions to the archaeological results.

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