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This lecture explores ongoing research by Beth Williamson, a collaborative PhD student at the Society, into the Society’s approach to resolving the problem of how to spell place names. The history of orthography at the Society is a story that has never previously been told, and in sharing insights from her research, Beth’s lecture will address some fundamental questions: What factors led the Society to appoint the Orthography Committee? How did the Committee function during its years of operation (1878–1919)? What does orthography suggest about the role of the Society as an arbiter of geographical truth?

Drawing on the Society’s archival collections, this lecture will offer insights into how the development of the Society’s orthographic system reveals fundamental tensions between institutional authority and individual expertise. It will invite us to consider the colonial legacies of 19th and early 20th century geographical knowledge production in the context of current efforts to decolonise the discipline of geography.

  • LectureThe Grant Speke map showing Lake Victoria.

    Exploring the explorers’ maps

    This talk will discuss explorers’ maps with an especial emphasis on the collaborative effort that goes into creating them, an effort that often included Indigenous peoples. It asks what stories we can and should tell with explorers’ maps? Part of the Explore festival.

  • LectureA snowy plain and glacier.

    Accelerating loss of Alaskan glaciers

    The retreat of Alaskan glaciers is expected to be the main contributor to rising global sea levels before 2100. Hear evidence on recent increases in thinning, fragmentation and melting, involving the specific geography of Alaska's icefields. An irreversible tipping point is getting nearer.

  • LectureEndurance at night (Side View)

    The ship beneath the ice: the discovery of Shackleton’s Endurance

    Mensun Bound will share the story of the search and discovery of Endurance, Shackleton’s Trans-Antarctic expedition ship, one of the most famous wrecks in history, lost beneath the ice in 1915.

    £0.00 - £7.50