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Organisation name

African Conservation Foundation


The African Conservation Foundation (ACF) works to protect Africa’s endangered wildlife and their habitats, by tackling the root causes of biodiversity loss. Founded in 1999, ACF was the first organisation focusing on partnering with and building the capacity of grassroots conservation efforts in the region.

ACF’s mission is to support and link grassroots conservation initiatives in Africa by building their capacity, developing partnerships and promoting effective communication and co-ordination of conservation efforts. They aim to help create a collaborative network of self-sustaining community-led conservation initiatives across sub-Saharan Africa. Since 1999, ACF has focused on a bottom-up approach, building local capacity for conservation. Together with local partners, they develop holistic landscape project plans that are focused on the socio-ecological regeneration of degraded areas. They combine ecosystem restoration with ecotourism, regenerative agriculture and scaling up nature-based solutions in these regions. In that way they create local ownership and engagement to ensure long term sustainability of projects. By working side-by-side, they seek to protect, preserve, and sustain our global heritage for future generations. They offer wildlife safaris where you can work side-by-side with wildlife biologists, rangers and local communities protecting wildlife and restoring the forests of this magnificent continent, as well as conservation volunteering projects and conservation training programmes.


Conservation volunteering, safaris, and training (eg. veterinary).

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Last updated: September 2022