Other funding sources
Sea Changers
Supports small to medium sized conservation projects in Africa.
The Rufford Foundation
Funding for nature conservation projects in developing countries.
The Royal Society
Funds research in natural sciences in the UK and internationally.
Quaternary Research Association
Funds for Quaternary research, training and dissemination of results.
The Linnean Society of London
For the study of all aspects of the biological sciences.
Mount Everest Foundation
Funds exploratory scientific and mountaineering objectives across the globe.
The Leakey Foundation
Funds research related to human origins.
Gilchrist Educational Trust
Funding for students, education and research expeditions
Earthwatch Institute
Supporting long-term research projects addressing global change,involving citizen-scientist participation
Challenger Society for Marine Science
Grants, prizes and awards for members of the oceanographic community.
British Ecological Society
Supporting scientific ecological research and the training and development of students.
British Society for Geomorphology
Support for developing applied geomorphological research.