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Information for prospective supervisors

For the last 15 years, supported by the AHRC, the Society has hosted PhD students working collaboratively on the Collections. Currently, this is supported through the Science Museums and Archives Consortium (SMAC) (along with the Science Museum Group Museums, BT Archives, the Royal Society, and Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew). All projects involve a collaboration between a university-based researcher and the staff and (archive) materials at one of the CDP consortium institutions. We also partner with other Doctoral Training Partnerships. Those applying to SMAC for a project involving the RGS-IBG are strongly encouraged to submit a parallel application to their local DTP or other equivalent schemes (where applicable).

In spring 2023, SMAC received funding to support nine studentships over three years, with the first cohort of students starting from October 2024. Applications have now closed for projects to start in 2024. You can find out more about current studentship opportunities here.

At the Society, we are keen to encourage proposals for PhD projects within the remit of AHRC that relate to the Society’s Collections, current strategy, opportunities afforded by the Wiley Digital Archives digitisation project, and engagement with new audiences. We encourage any prospective applicants to look at the projects currently supported (see below) and earlier Collections-based projects including Crossing Continents and Hidden Histories of Exploration.

Please contact Dr Sarah Evans at to discuss potential applications.