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Professional Practice Groups

Professional Practice Groups bring together people with an interest in a thematic or sectoral area of professional geographical practice for networking and professional development.

Purpose and activities of Professional Practice Groups

The primary purpose of Professional Practice Groups is to support and promote their area of geography through support for professional practice; their interests may also overlap into education, policy, research and innovation. 

It is expected that Groups will offer this support through activities that might include but are not limited to:

  • organising networking and knowledge exchange events

  • offering mentoring opportunities

  • keeping members up to date with the latest developments in their field

  • sharing best practice resources

  • distributing news and information about relevant opportunities.

It is hoped that the Groups will support and enhance the professional development and lifelong learning of Chartered Geographers, and those working towards the accreditation, by building stronger links between all geographers within specific sectors or fields of work.


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