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Climate Change Research Group

Climate Change Research Group - Friday 9 February

The Royal Geographical Society (RGS-IBG) conference will take place in London from Tuesday 27 August to Friday 30 August 2024 at the Royal Geographical Society in London. This year, it will be chaired by Professor Stephen Legg (Nottingham University, UK), with the Chair's theme being Mapping.

As always, the RGS-IBG Climate Change Research Group (CCRG) is keen to sponsor sessions, presentations and activities at the conference. If you are planning to convene a session at RGS-IBG 2024, please do submit an application for sponsorship. We are keen to have as many sponsored sessions as we can, in order to ensure they receive due prominence in what is likely to be a busy and exciting conference.

The deadline for session proposals is Friday 1 March 2024. If you would like to be considered for sponsorship, please add the following information to our sponsorship Google doc here. The form includes a template to include the following information. If all rows are filled, please feel free to add additional rows. There is no limit to the number of applications for sponsorship, but the total number of sponsored sessions is expected to be twelve.

  1. Title of session
  2. Name of co-sponsoring groups (if applicable)
  3. Name, affiliation, and contact details for session convenors
  4. Abstract outlining the scope of the session (300 words maximum, excl. references)
  5. Indication (if known) of preferred organisation of the session (see here for some suggested formats). Each session lasts for 1hour and 40 minutes.
  6. Indication (if applicable) of any non-standard arrangements

Key dates and deadlines 

  • Deadline for Proposals to CCRG: Friday 9 February 2024.
  • Notification of session acceptance by CCRG committee: week of 16 February 2024.
  • Deadline for full session details to be sent to CCRG committee (e.g. paper sequence, paper titles, abstracts, author details): 1 March 2024.