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Professor Georgina Endfield

Georgina studied for both her BSc in Geography and her MSc in Archaeology at the University of Liverpool before completing her PhD in Geography at the University of Sheffield. She joined the School of Geography at the University of Nottingham in January 1998, starting as a lecturer and becoming a full Professor in 2012.


In January 2017, she joined the University of Liverpool as Associate Pro Vice Chancellor for Research and Impact in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and remained in this role until December 2022 when she took on the role of APVC for the Research Environment and Postgraduate Research for the University.


Georgina’s research focuses on environmental history, and specifically on climatic history and historical climatology, on human responses to unusual or extreme weather events, conceptualizations of climate variability in historical perspective. She served as a full REF panellist (and interdisciplinary panel advisor) for the Geography and Environmental Studies panel in the 2021 REF and her past roles have included President of the International Commission for the History of Meteorology and Honorary Secretary for Research and Higher Education at the Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers for two terms of office. She is a newly elected Fellow of the British Academy (2023).