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Geography plays a crucial role in understanding our world. It makes a vital contribution to our knowledge of the rapidly changing environmental and social challenges facing us and how we should tackle them. Supporting them effectively can present multiple opportunities and challenges for academic staff. For those embarking on a career in geographical teaching and learning, recognising these issues, and developing a toolbox of strategies with which to address them is key to developing good teaching practice.

This guide offers a starting point for this process for graduate teaching assistants, teaching fellows and demonstrators. Co-authored by Dr Lynda Yorke (Bangor University), Professor Simon Tate (Newcastle University) and Dr Martin Davis (RGS-IBG), the guide addresses the following themes:

  • Understanding your approach to teaching and learning

  • Creating effective learning environments in person and online

  • Promoting participation and equality of opportunity in person and online

  • Planning and structuring your classes

  • Practical teaching in the field and lab

  • Assessment and feedback

  • Professional development and learning from others

The guide also includes thought-provoking contributions from experts across the discipline on a range of important issues, including creating inclusive learning environments (Carl Bonner-Thompson), decolonising the curriculum (James Esson), online teaching (Maddy Thompson), and virtual fieldwork (Des McDougall).

While it is hoped that the guide will be useful as a standalone resource, it has also been designed to complement the Society’s interactive ‘New to teaching’ workshops. Details of future events are published in the ‘What’s on’ section of our website.


New to teaching geography

by Lynda Yorke, Simon Tate and Martin Davis
December 2021



About the authors

Dr Lynda Yorke is Senior Lecturer in Physical Geography in the School of Natural Sciences at Bangor University, as well as the Chair of the RGS-IBG Geography and Education Research Group.

Professor Simon Tate is Professor of Higher Education in the School of Geography, Politics & Sociology at Newcastle University. He is also a National Teaching Fellow.

Dr Martin Davis is based in the Research and Higher Education Division of the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG).


Featured image: Sveta Fedarava/Unsplash

How to cite

Yorke, L, Tate, S, and Davis, M (2021) New to teaching geography. Royal Geographical Society (with IBG);