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Apply for accreditation

The application process for geography programme accreditation asks departments to make the case for excellence in their teaching and learning, with reference to the programme's aims and content, and the development of professional practice and skills in their students.

A short overview of the application process, eligibility and deadlines is below. For more detailed information, departments are asked to read and follow the Programme Accreditation Handbook, which provides further guidance on the application/review process and advice on completing the Programme Accreditation Application Form. The same process applies to reaccreditation as accreditation.

Programme Accreditation Handbook (.pdf)

Programme Accreditation Application Form - Undergraduate (.docx)

Programme Accreditation Application form - Masters (.docx)


Applications for programme accreditation are administered by the Society, working with an Accreditation Review Panel made up of academics and practitioners. The Panel will assess all applications and make recommendations for acceptance to the Society's Council, which meets three times each year. Application deadlines will be aligned with these meetings. Programmes will normally be accredited for a term of six years, with applications for renewal expected between five and six years of accreditation.

The next deadlines for applications are: 30 September and 31 March

All questions and other correspondence regarding programme accreditation should be directed to the Professional Officer: Higher Education:

Phone: +44 (0)20 7591 3024


Application process

A completed application for programme accreditation includes:

  • A completed Application Form, which will contain a written reflection on the programme's content and aims, and the development of professional practice (approx. 2,000 to 4,000 words)

  • Mandatory supporting evidence, to include:

    • Programme specification(s)

    • Module specifications

    • A module overview mapping/matrix that shows compulsory and optional modules at each level (if applicable)

    • Student handbook(s)

    • External examiner reports for the past three years (or for as long as the course has been run), and the Department's responses to these (please contact us if this poses any issues for 2022)

    • Most recent Periodic Review report (or equivalent) (or, in the case of new programmes, initial approval)

  • Additional supporting evidence (optional - see the Programme Accreditation Handbook for more information)

Departments should complete one application form per programme. If accreditation is sought for multiple programmes, it may be possible to combine them into a single form/application in certain circumstances e.g. if all core modules are shared across programmes. Please contact for advice before starting a combined application.

To help with planning and to ensure application paperwork is safely received, it would be useful if departments intending to submit an application could signal their intention by email to A signal of intention may be made at any time. Applications will be considered without a signal of intention. Signalling intention does not bind you to making an application.

Completed applications should be sent to Applications will be checked for completeness and relevance before being assembled for assessment by the Accreditation Review Panel. Applicants will be kept informed of progress.



The Society welcomes applications from registered UK Higher Education providers for the accreditation of:

Undergraduate programmes (FHEQ Level 6 or SCQF Level 9 or 10), specifically;

  • Single honours programmes in geography;

  • Combined honours programmes where geography is studied in combination with (an)other subject(s); and/or

  • Integrated Master’s programmes in geography, where a Master’s degree is awarded upon completion of a specialist fourth year.

Master’s programmes (FHEQ Level 7 or SCQF Level 11), specifically;

  • Master’s programmes, taught or by research, which focus on a specific, contemporary sub-discipline or area of professional practice within geography.

Applications are welcomed from both existing and new programmes that have completed the relevant institutional approval processes. In the case of new programmes that have not yet been offered or are in their first year of delivery, the Panel may recommend a shorter period of accreditation.

Please refer to the Programme Accreditation Handbook, which contains detailed and important information about eligibility with reference to subject coverage and integration.



The next deadlines for applications are 30 September and 31 March.

The Accreditation Review Panel will consider all complete applications received by each deadline, and make recommendations for acceptance to the Society's Council, for consideration at their next meeting.

To help with planning, it would be useful if Departments intending to submit an application could signal their intention by email to Applications will be considered without a signal of intention; signalling intention does not bind you to making an application.



There are two ways to pay accreditation fees:

Option 1: Full cycle fee

A fee of £1,600 + VAT is payable per programme (or bundle) when its accreditation is ratified by the Society’s Council (totalling £1,920 at the current UK VAT rate of 20%). No further fees will be payable for the remainder of the programme’s six-year term.

Option 2: Application and annual re-registration

A fee of £650 + VAT is payable per programme (or bundle) when its accreditation is ratified by the Society’s Council (totalling £780 at the current UK VAT rate of 20%). An annual registration fee of £180 + VAT (totalling £216 at the current UK VAT rate of 20%) per department will then be levied to maintain accreditation. This is a flat fee regardless of the number of programmes accredited within a department. The annual registration fee will be invoiced in January of February of each year.

At the end of the accreditation period (normally after five years and before six years) a new application for accreditation must be made. An application for re-accreditation may be made sooner in order to align accreditation with the programme’s Periodic Review timetable.

The Society reserves the right to review and change the application and annual registration fees. 


File nameFiles

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Programme Accreditation Application Form - Master's


460 KB

RGS-IBG Programme Accreditation undergraduate application form


483 KB

Accreditiation Handbook


480 KB

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