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Historical Geography Research Group (HGRG)

The Historical Geography Research Group (HGRG), in association with Routledge, is pleased to offer once more a prize to the best undergraduate or Scottish four-year MA undergraduate dissertation in any area of historical geography which is based upon original research and which demonstrates conceptual and/or methodological sophistication.

The successful prize winner will receive £200 of Routledge-published books, and will be invited to submit an article based upon their dissertation for publication in the Journal of Historical Geography (subject to standard refereeing procedures). The winner will also be invited to present their work at the annual Practising Historical Geography conference.

Dissertations should normally be of first-class standard and be nominated by Heads of Department / Examination Boards / dissertation supervisors as appropriate. Departments should not submit more than one dissertation for consideration.

Only dissertations submitted during the current academic year by students enrolled in a Geography degree programme at a university in the UK or the Republic of Ireland will be considered.

Submissions should be sent to Peter Martin at in the form of a PDF. We will need an email address for the student that will remain valid after the end of the academic year.

Deadline for submissions: to be announced.