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History and Philosophy of Geography Research Group (HPGRG)

The History and Philosophy of Geography Research Group in conjunction with SAGE Geography is pleased to offer an undergraduate dissertation prize for the best dissertation in the histories and/or philosophies of geography. The winner will receive a prize of £50 and a year’s free subscription to their choice of Progress in Human Geography or Progress in Physical Geography, and have their dissertation published on the HPGRG website. 

We welcome nominations addressing the history of the discipline, philosophy of the discipline, and/or geographical knowledge, discourses and practices across academic, public and/or private spheres. The dissertation should have been completed within the past two years and be written in English. We welcome nominations not only from the UK but also from other countries. Depending on the number and quality of submissions, the prize may not be awarded every year.

Please direct all questions and submit an electronic copy of the dissertation (PDF format) with your letter of recommendation and the candidate’s contact details to Dr Emily Hayes, details below. As far as possible, please provide a non-university email account for the candidate as contact will likely happen after their graduation.

Submissions to: (Dr Emily Hayes)

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Deadline: 12 July 2024