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Rural Geography Research Group (RGRG)

The Rural Geography Research Group (RGRG) prize is open to any currently registered undergraduate student at a UK university and will be awarded to the dissertations that exhibit the best overall contributions to the wide range of issues relating to rural geography. Winners awarded Highly Commended and Commended will receive a cash prize.

The dissertations should be of first-class standard and be submitted by the student's Department (Head or nominated representative) and with the student's knowledge, in electronic format only. Please include a contact email address for the student (post-graduation if necessary).

Please note that we can only accept one entry from any department and nominated dissertations should not be submitted for consideration for any other RGS-IBG prizes. Please ensure that the topic of the dissertation clearly focuses upon or aligns with rural geography.

Please send electronic submissions to Dr Fidel Budy, International Institute for Environment and Development, at

For more information on the work of the RGRG please visit their the RGRG website.

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Deadline: to be announced.