Research publications
Our publications provide a high-quality outlet for the dissemination of research, and sharing of skills across the breadth of the discipline.
The Society’s publications form a core part of our mission to advance geographical science and its applications to the challenges facing the world’s people, places and environments.
We have a variety of publications: a scholarly journals portfolio, a book series, reports, guides and our impact and engagement blog, Geography Directions. All our publications are research-led and seek to offer insight that has global applications. Our publications are accessed over 1,000,000 times each year by researchers from every continent.
If you would like to contribute to, or comment on any of the Society’s publications, please contact the Managing Editor, Dr Anna Lawrence (journals@rgs.org).

We publish five leading international peer-reviewed geography journals: Area, The Geographical Journal, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, Geo: Geography and Environment, and WIREs Climate Change.

RGS-IBG book series
The RGS-IBG book series publishes the very best of international academic scholarship, from across geography and cognate disciplines.

Geography Directions
Our research and impact blog, Geography Directions, showcases the importance of Geography and geographical expertise to understanding the most pressing issues facing society and the environment.

Guides for researchers
Guides for researchers written by leading academics, with advice on key topics in scholarly publishing, communicating beyond the academy, and working with voluntary organisations.

RGS-IBG Peer review academy
This certified programme is for postgraduate geography students and early-career researchers who want to gain peer-review experience in a supportive environment.