Student awards and recognition
The Society and its Research Groups offer a variety of awards for outstanding undergraduate and postgraduate research. UK departments are encouraged to submit innovative, high quality thesis research.
Medals and Awards
Each year we recognise excellence in geographical research through our prestigious Medals and awards.
Alfred Steers Dissertation Prize
This award is made for the best undergraduate dissertation in a UK geography department. The essay prize is named in honour of Professor Alfred Steers, who was Professor at the University of Cambridge for seventeen years and was Honorary Vice President, Honorary Fellow, and medallist of the Society.
How to submit:
Send one dissertation submission per department by email to rhed@rgs.org.
Include the student's name and contact email address
Each submission should be accompanied by a statement from the department of the weighting of the dissertation within the degree.
Deadline: Sunday 29 October
You can also view previous winners of the University and RGS Essay Prize (1965 - 1987) (PDF) and of the Alfred Steers Dissertation Prize Winners (1987 - present) (PDF). Winners are commended at the Society's Annual General Meeting in June each year.
Research Group awards
The Society's Research Groups offer a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate dissertation awards, with various deadlines for awards (most are 15 July).
To find out about many past recipients, by Research Group and University, please see the listing here.
Quaternary Research Association (QRA) Winifred Pennington Tutin Dissertation Prize
The Quaternary Research Association, in association with the RGS-IBG, would like to recognise the achievements of undergraduates in Quaternary science by awarding a dissertation prize (£250) for a thesis demonstrating flair and originality. Further prizes (£50) are awarded for dissertations that are deemed ‘highly commendable’ by the judges (two prizes available). This competition is open to any undergraduate enrolled at a British or Irish university. Membership of the QRA or RGS-IBG is not a requirement for entry.
How to submit:
Send one dissertation per department for that academic year to rhed@rgs.org.
Entries must be submitted by departments and not by individual undergraduates
Entries may be on any Quaternary theme
Include the student's name and contact email address
Nominations are welcome from all appropriate sources, including new universities or small departments
Deadline: 4 October
The winner will be announced at the QRA Annual General Meeting (held annually each January) and the abstract of their dissertation published in an issue of Quaternary Newsletter
For more information, visit the QRA website.