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Geography for all

The project aims to address EDI in geography focusing on under-representation by income and ethnicity.

Geography has seen a growth in GCSE entries over 2011-2021 coming predominately from previously under-represented groups: Black, Asian and minority ethnic students; those with lower prior attainment; students from lower-income households or those studying in non-selective maintained schools. However, beyond the age of 16 the subject intake – by income and ethnicity – narrows, first at A Level and then further on entry to undergraduate courses.

The Society has undertaken research to further explore who is and isn't studying geography, young people's views on their subject choices and careers, and the experiences of Black, Asian and minority ethnic geography teacher trainees and early career teachers.

Project overview

The Geography for all project will work with colleagues and organisations across the geographical community. It will help address equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in the subject, with a focus on under-representation by income and ethnicity through the following:

  • Pilot, evaluate and share direct work with young people that are under-represented in geography to better support their achievement and aspirations through the subject.
  • Establish a network of geography teachers to particularly support the capacities of geography teacher trainees and early career geography teachers in addressing EDI within their practice.
  • Engage with, and support, the potential involvement of universities and employers to better promote and support pathways into higher education and the workplace for geography students.

Geography for All resources

An aerial view of a motorway junction showing the roads crossing each other in an attractive pattern. Some roads are straight, others are curved. Each has multi coloured cars on it.

What do geographers actually do?

It is well known that geographers save the world, but what is it that geographers actually do?

Choose geography at university

Geographers remain amongst the most employable university graduates. Find out why you should choose it at university.

A camel decorated in colourful floral decoration and scarves, with a seat on the back so people can ride it in style

South Asian Heritage Month

Iram Sammar, Ordnance Survey Award winner, speaks of how geography influenced her life as a Muslim living in Britain

Join our Geography for all network

The Society recognises that there is an existing and developing range of support and good practice and we wish to share such initiatives and experiences within and beyond this network.

It is important to set out that we recognise that great work is already being done by individuals and groups to address EDI within the geography school curriculum and we want to be able to highlight this work and provide a space to share the work and initiatives of those with expertise and knowledge among the community and connect experienced teachers, trainee teachers and early career teachers.  

Sign up to this network

If you wish to sign up for this network, please email your details to education@rgs.org. By signing up you agree that we may contact you with general updates or information about our events and other activities. We will process your information in accordance with our privacy policy.