Sustainable development is one of the key geographical concepts that underpin the geography Key Stage 3 programme of study. It is an overarching concept that can be used as a starting point to study, or it can be drawn into studies once pupils have established knowledge and understanding of a place or issue. It can run as a thread through the curriculum as pupils explore and apply their understanding in new contexts. A study of sustainable development integrates environmental, social and economic issues. Despite its complexity it is a concept that can be incorporated into geographical studies of practically all of the scales identified in the range and content of the new programme of study (from personal to global) and of almost any place, issue or form of management or environmental change. Suggestions are included throughout this tutorial.
Cross-curriculum dimension: Global dimension and sustainable development is one of the specified Cross-curriculum dimensions in the National Curriculum, providing an important an area of learning that helps young people make sense of the world and give education relevance and authenticity as students reflect the major ideas and challenges that face individuals and society.
Funded by the DfE funded Action Plan for Geography.