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The UK was the first major economy to pass the ‘net zero’ emissions law. This new target will require the UK to bring all greenhouse gas emissions to net zero (relative to 1990 levels) by 2050. It will require reducing existing emissions and active removal of greenhouse gases. Click here to access the UK government My2050 carbon calculator to change the levers and hit net zero!

This is recommended for geographers aged 11+ up to GCSE. If you are studying A level go to the MacKay Carbon Calculator for interactive graphs and malleable data sets.

These resources were developed in partnership with the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).


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My2050 Teacher pack - questions


490 KB

My2050 Teacher pack - answers


248 KB

My2050 Teacher pack - answers (1)


490 KB

My2050 Teacher pack - questions (1)


248 KB

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