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A union jack flag flying in the wind on a blue sky background

Key questions

What are symbols of identity?

What is your place in the world?

Awareness of our place in the world helps us to establish a clear identity for ourselves and an appreciation of who we are. Equally importantly, it encourages us to be curious, and subsequently develop an understanding and tolerance of people from diverse ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds - including identifying ways that they are both similar to and different from us. Our worlds expand in scale from the personal and local to the international and global. Each one of us sees importance in different people, places and connections between and within these scales, and we put value and meaning into our personal geographies.

Our worlds are made up of a number of different elements, each one personal to the individual. These elements, whether they relate to where we were born, our religion, ethnicity, social class, education, dress, music or hobbies, make up who we are and how we perceive ourselves. How these elements come together form part of our identity.

Welcoming people into ‘my world' shows a depth of understanding about who we are, as well as an acceptance that everybody else inhabits and experiences different worlds that are important to them. Our identity is at the very centre of our individual worlds, and understanding of this connects us to the personal, local, national, international and global worlds in which we live. It makes us both local and global citizens.


Come into my world?

Watch Kylie Minogue's music video for the song Come into my world.

While you are watching it, complete the worksheet which will get you thinking about Kylie's identity and what makes up her world.

Main Activity 

What makes up your world?

You are now going to use everything you have learnt in this unit so far to help you film your own 60 second video clip. The video clip will show the viewer the different things that make up your world.

First, you will need to plan what you are going to include, and write a script. The planning worksheet will help you to plan your ideas and to think about what aspects of your identity and world you would like to include.

Next, you have to write your script and plan the set, music and props. Your video clip will be assessed by your classmates when you show it to them in the next lesson. Make sure you have read the assessment criteria so you know what they will be looking for. There is also a planning checklist available to help you to prepare for your filming.

Your teacher will explain to you how the filming will be organised.


Who am I?

At the start of the unit, you wrote down three words to describe your identity.

Have your ideas changed now that you have found out a bit more about all of the different elements that make up your world?

Have you discovered more about yourself?

Discuss your thoughts with the people sitting around you. Perhaps you might like to update your list.

File nameFiles

File type



Who Do We Think We Are? Lesson 5 Teacher's Notes


115 KB

Who Do We Think We Are? Lesson 5 Teacher's Notes (1)


104 KB

Who Do We Think We Are? Lesson 5 Managing the Activity: Teacher's Notes


66 KB

Who Do We Think We Are? Lesson 5 Managing the Activity: Teacher's Notes (1)


47 KB

Who Do We Think We Are? Lesson 5 Kylie Minogue Worksheet


42 KB

Who Do We Think We Are? Lesson 5 Kylie Minogue Worksheet (1)


52 KB

Who Do We Think We Are? Lesson 5 Planning Sheet


59 KB

Who Do We Think We Are? Lesson 5 Planning Sheet (1)


42 KB

Who Do We Think We Are? Lesson 5 Student Sheet


102 KB

Who Do We Think We Are? Lesson 5 Student Sheet (1)


96 KB

Who Do We Think We Are? Lesson 5 Assessment Criteria


51 KB

Who Do We Think We Are? Lesson 5 Assessment Criteria (1)


64 KB

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