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Impact of geography

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33 Results found

Transforming European energy poverty policy

Research at the University of Manchester has influenced EU policies aimed at identifying and addressing energy poverty.

Government policy and homebuilding practices influenced by community-led housing

Research created a low-carbon housing model incorporating a pioneering mutual ownership approach.

Spatial policy support systems

King’s College London’s spatial policy support systems have enhanced conservation decision-making by organisations across 183 countries.

Seismic shift: the transformation of UK government policy on fracking

Research from Keele University has guided UK government policy on shale gas extraction over the past decade.

Rewilding and species reintroductions research

Research is benefitting nature and people by informing the regulation and implementation of species restoration and reintroduction programmes.

Resolving conflict between protected species and infrastructure development

Research combining eDNA surveys with 'risk map' modelling is reducing development impacts on newts.

Projection Augmented Relief Models

The Projection Augmented Relief Model technique has changed the way geographic information is communicated and understood by organisations.

Planning infrastructure systems to support sustainable development through the United Nations

A system-of-systems method for planning has been adopted by the United Nations.

The Centre for Studies of Home: Collaborative research with the Museum of the Home

Research has pioneered a socially, spatially and temporally expanded understanding of home.

Maximising the impact of smart meters

Research has provided the principal evidence for the UK Government's approach to the roll-out of smart meters since 2016.

Spatial planning research reforms practice, participation and policy to empower city regions and communities

Research at the University of Liverpool has reformed professional planning practice.

Changing mindsets, policy, and practice towards a Blue-Green approach to urban flood risk management

Research has raised awareness of the benefits of Blue-Green infrastructure.