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Research by geographers at Royal Holloway, University of London has demonstrated how participatory video can be a process of engagement that builds on Indigenous ways of knowing, while facilitating capacity building and agency.



Indigenous knowledge contributes to the sustainable management of their lands, thereby conserving biodiversity and reducing carbon emissions. Yet, Indigenous knowledge is still marginalised from decision-making and policy arenas. 



Through a research collaboration with civil society organisations, Indigenous communities and other academics this research investigated how participatory video can be a process of engagement that builds on Indigenous ways of knowing, and how intercultural spaces can bring Indigenous knowledge into national level decision-making on environmental management and governance.

Participatory videos of Indigenous knowledge and associated practices created opportunities for screening films and activated discussions between relevant government institutions, academics and Indigenous communities.



In Guyana, approximately 100 Indigenous researchers have been trained in participatory video since 2014. These local researchers have documented and shared their communities’ views on how their knowledge, and associated livelihood practices, maintain culture and biodiversity.

The research team introduced video-mediated dialogue in Guyana to facilitate constructive conversations and trust between Indigenous communities and protected areas managers. This has led to the development of a new policy, the Traditional Knowledge National Action Plan (TKNAP) which raises awareness nationally of the critical role of Indigenous peoples and their knowledge, strengthens local laws, governance and mechanisms for maintaining and using Indigenous knowledge.

In Venezuela, participatory videos brought ancestral fire knowledge on savanna burning to the forefront of fire management discussions, both at a local and national level. One outcome is that the National Institute of Parks in Venezuela (INPARQUES) has included Indigenous fire management in its management plans for national parks, and as part of capacity building for forest firefighters.


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Institution: Royal Holloway, University of London

Researcher: Professor Jay Mistry 

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Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) (2023) Amplifying Indigenous knowledge within environmental management and governance in South America. Available at  Last accessed on: <date>