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Between 2009 - 2012, the Society organised seminars on water policy at Future Water, the annual conference of the All Party Parliamentary Water Group.


Outputs and resources

In 2012, the Society published a policy briefing on Water policy in the UK

See our case study on the HWISE index of water insecurity


Event programmes

The future policy challenges from an ecosystems approach

10 July 2012

Policy roundtable discussion as part of the Water 2012 conference.

  • Dr. Geraldene Wharton, Reader in Physical Geography, Queen Mary, University of London. (chair)

  • Professor Keith Richards, Geography, University of Cambridge

  • Dr Stewart Clarke, Natural England


Geographical perspectives on water services regulation in the UK

13 July 2011

  • Dr Steven Toole, Policy Manager RGS-IBG (Chair)

  • Dr Chad Staddon, Bristol Group of Water Research, University of the West of England

  • Suzanne Baylis, Competition Manager, Severn Trent Water


Land use and future water security

13 July 2010

Organised in partnership with the UK government's Foresight programme

  • Professor Sandy Thomas, Head of Foresight, Government Office of Science. (chair)

  • Dr Chad Staddon, Bristol Group of Water Research, University of the West of England

  • Professor Louise Heathwaite, Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University


The spatial role of water demand management

14 July 2009

The workshop considered how spatial research can support the water industry in managing demand;the importance of spatial considerations in current and future water policy decisions; how research findings can support the water industry; and how partnership between the sector and research can be intensified.

  • Professor Adrian McDonald, Leeds University (chair)

  • Ian Barker, Head of Water, Environment Agency

  • Dr Liz Sharp, Senior Lecturer in Environmental Governance and Management, University of Bradford

  • Dr Will Mead, Department of Geography, Lancaster University


About the Environment & Society Forum series

This event was delivered as part of the Environment & Society Forum series, which address major policy challenges by bringing geographers into dialogue with stakeholders in business, government and research.


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How to cite

Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) (2019). Water policy seminars. [online] Available at:  Last accessed on: <date>