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An man presenting his poster to conference delegates

We are looking forward to receiving your proposals for organised sessions at the RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2024! If you are planning to organise a session, please see our guidance for session organisers.

The submission portal for the conference programme is now open! Please see below under 'Submitting your paper proposal.'

The Chair's theme is Mapping. We welcome submissions for the conference programme which engage directly with the theme, as well as others focusing on all areas of geography.

There is more information below for prospective presenters at the conference:

If you have any questions, please contact

Frequently asked questions

Conduct at the conference

By submitting a proposal for the conference programme, you agree to abide by the conference code of conduct


Contribution limits

  • Delegates will be limited to ONE paper presentation and ONE panel/workshop contribution, OR, TWO panel/workshop contributions. The role of discussant is included as a panel/workshop contribution.

  • A single paper may only be presented once at the conference.
  • We cannot guarantee to resolve all timetable clashes for non-presenting co-authors where they are involved in multiple sessions. 

  • Sessions can be in-person, hybrid or online. For organised sessions, the session organiser(s) will decide on the session format, consulting with the session contributors, and by final agreement with the conference organisers.

  • We reserve the right to move individual papers submitted via the open call to an online format to ensure the best sessions.

Ways to participate

Sessions convened by Research Groups and independent organisers

Sessions are proposed for the conference by Research Groups and other independent organisers. All prospective delegates are welcome to submit a paper proposal to any of the sessions advertised.

Please note that each call for contributions has its own deadline (generally much earlier than the main deadline of Friday 1 March 2024), and own process for submitting a paper proposal. Please read the call carefully and direct any questions to the session organisers. 

If your paper proposal to an organised session is unsuccessful, you are encouraged to re-submit the paper proposal for an 'open' session, as below. Please note that the deadline for all programme submissions is Friday 1 March 2024.   

To view advertised calls for papers, please log in to Ex Ordo and click 'Submit to Existing Panel'. This will take you to the Public Panels list, where you can view the sessions being planned for the conference. (Panel is the term for all organised sessions at the conference regardless of format).

Session organisers will indicate in their description whether they are accepting further submissions for the session, and how to submit your abstract.

View advertised calls for papers (via Public Panels List)


'Open' call for papers - sessions convened by the RGS-IBG conference planning committee

Members of the geographical and related communities are invited to submit paper or poster proposals to sessions organised by the RGS-IBG conference organisers. Contributions that do not fit within the themes of any organised sessions and/or have not been selected for organised sessions may be submitted for consideration in these 'open' sessions. The organisers will use the paper titles, abstracts and keywords to group them into themed sessions, and arrange a Chair for the session.

Subject to scheduling limitations and the contribution limits, the organisers do their best to accept all appropriate papers submitted to open sessions for the conference.

Accepted posters will be displayed through the online/virtual Posters Gallery in the online programme, and accepted poster presenters will have the opportunity to give a 5 minute poster presentation in a scheduled online poster session. We hope to also offer an in-person poster hall, depending on demand. Guidelines for preparing posters (online and/or in-person) will be provided to accepted poster presenters nearer to the conference. 

See 'Submitting your paper proposal' below for details of how to submit your abstract.


Submitting your paper proposal through the online programme submissions portal

All paper proposals should be submitted through the online programme submissions portal

You will be prompted to log in to the portal. If it is your first time submitting via Ex Ordo, you will be prompted to set a password. If you have previously used Ex Ordo (such as for our 2021 conference), you can reset your password if needed.

Important note: Please use the same email address/Ex Ordo account for all your submissions and to register for the conference.


Submitting an abstract to a Panel/organised session

Once your contribution has been accepted by by the session organisers, they will send you a direct link to their panel in the system. Alternatively, from the homepage, click the Submit to an Existing Panel option, and locate your session in the list. Follow the step by step instructions to submit your abstract to the session. 

Further guidance is available in a short video below and in this PDF guide.

Further guidance for session contributors


Submitting an abstract to the open call

From the homepage, click the 'Submit your Abstract' option and follow the step by step instructions. 

Further guidance is available in a short video below and in this PDF guide.

Further guidance for submitting to the open call

If you have any questions please contact us at 

Registration requirements

  • All programme contributors, except non-attending co-authors, must register to attend the conference by the early bird registration deadline of Friday 14 June 2024, and pay the appropriate registration fee. 

  • Some delegates, particularly those from low-income countries, may be eligible to be invited by a Society Research Group to receive waived registration fees as a Research Group Guest. Please contact the Research Group sponsoring your session, or the conference organisers, for more information. Applications must be submitted by the Chair of the Research Group in question. The scheme will open for applications in early 2024.


Eligibility to contribute

  • We welcome attendance and participation from all members of the geographical and related communities/disciplines and other interested parties.

  • Anyone can participate in the annual conference, and you do not need to be an RGS-IBG Fellow or Member to attend (though discounted registration is available for Society members).

  • You do not need to be a member of a Research Group to propose a contribution to a Research Group sponsored session.

  • International delegates are especially welcome to propose a contribution to an organised session, or to organise a session.

  • Given the content and nature of the annual conference, most student attendees are ordinarily at postgraduate level. If you are a student who is under 18 and are interested in participating in the conference, please contact the conference organisers at to discuss this before submitting a proposal or registering.


Other information

  • The Society does not publish a proceedings of conference, either online or in print. The conference organisers therefore do not require authors to submit their full paper to us before or after the conference. Session chairs or convenors may request a copy of the paper/presentation from authors to help with discussion in the session, but this is at their discretion.

  • Successful proposals, including the names and affiliations of session contributors, will be made public via the Society’s website and will be kept on record as part of the Society's historical archive.

  • If authors require confirmation of paper acceptance, for example for funding applications, please contact for assistance.