Research Groups at Annual Conference
The Research and Working Groups play an active role in the RGS-IBG Annual International Conference.
Research Group sponsorship of Annual International Conference sessions
The Research Groups sponsor a number of sessions at the Annual International Conference each year.
Calls for Research Group session sponsorship typically occur between December and February each year. Please read our information on active sponsorship calls.
For more information on session limits, and the process for sponsoring sessions, please check the Research Groups Handbook on our page of resources for Research Group Committees.
Research Group Guests for the Annual International Conference
To encourage participation in the RGS-IBG Annual International Conference from non-geographers based in the UK, and from either geographers or non-geographers overseas who may have difficulties in paying their registration fee, each Research Group is entitled to request complimentary registration totalling six days from the conference organisers.
The conference will pay for registration fees only. Guests are responsible for paying for accommodation and all other costs of attending the conference (unless otherwise agreed with a Research Group).
Eligibility criteria apply for all invited guests. Research Groups are asked to check the criteria carefully before submitting a request for guest registration. Applications for guests may only be submitted by Research Group Committee members (applications made by individuals or session organisers will not be considered). More guidance is available in the Research Groups Handbook.
The Research Group Guest registration scheme for 2025 is now open. Session organisers should apply to a suitable Research Group in the first instance who will then apply on their behalf to the conference organisers.
The deadline for applications is Friday 23 May 2025.
About Research Group AGMs
The majority of the Research and Working Groups hold their AGMs at or around the annual international conference.
Conference delegates, and members of the Society's Research and Working Groups, are encouraged to attend AGMs taking place at the annual conference. You do not need to be a member of the group to attend an AGM.
If you are not a registered delegate for the conference you can still attend an AGM by requesting a visitor pass from the conference organisers. Please send your name, affiliation, and details of the AGM(s) that you wish to attend to rhed@rgs.org
Conference delegates do not need to register to attend AGMs.