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Geographic data about people and neighbourhoods is essential for effective local and national policy decision-making. Research by geographers in the University of Liverpool’s Geographic Data Science Lab has generated novel insights from geographic data, producing significant national and international influence on policy, social welfare, and learning to tackle health and social inequalities.



Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) groups are considerably disadvantaged in the labour market partly due to their experiences of segregation in society. Racial prejudices, often misinformed about ethnic segregation or integration narratives, remain prevalent in the UK.



Research by the team is developing a more nuanced understanding of the nature of ethnic segregation by documenting small area inequalities in ethnic diversity and segregation for Great Britain. This includes the longest continual time series analysed to demonstrate how ethnic segregation is declining over time.



The research on inequalities in ethnic residential segregation informed the Department for Communities & Local Government’s Casey Review into Opportunity & Integration. The review is one of the main sources informing national policy interventions for local communities and welfare relating to segregation and integration.

It was extensively cited as evidence of ethnic inequalities in employment within the McGregor-Smith Review of Race in the Workplace. The report was used to inform the Department for Work and Pensions' response to Prime Minister David Cameron’s pledge to increase ethnic minority participation in the labour market by 20% by 2020. 


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Institution: University of Liverpool

Researchers: Dr Mark Green, Dr Francisco Rowe, Dr Gemma Catney

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Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) (2023) Generating geographic data to inform policy, social welfare and learning for tackling health and social inequalities. Available at  Last accessed on: <date>