Higher Education resources for geography
Through resources, events, programmes, exhibitions, policy consultation responses and briefings, the Society aims to support high quality teaching and learning in geography. Use the search box and filters to access more resources.

Responsible and ethical fieldwork - Using research findings
Resources to support the ethical and responsible use of using research findings.

Responsible and ethical fieldwork - Working in/on an environment
Resources to support responsible and ethical work in the field, including topics of environmental impact, sampling and resource use, permissions and land ownership.

Responsible and ethical fieldwork: working in a team (research collaborations and partnerships)
Elements to consider when undertaking fieldwork collaboratively and in partnership.

Responsible and ethical fieldwork - Working on/with people
Resources to support you when working on or with people in the field

Responsible and ethical fieldwork - general principles
General principles of good practice to support safe, responsible and ethical research in the field.

Research Group Professional Development Series: Mentoring for Teaching and Scholarship Career Development
This resource was developed by the Geography and Education Research Group as part of a webinar in the Society's Research Groups Professional Development and Mentoring Series.

Research Group Professional Development Series: a note on interdisciplinarity
Learn how to navigate interdisciplinarity from colleagues across human geography. This resource was developed by the Energy Geographies Research Group as part of a webinar in the RGS-IBG Research Groups Professional Development and Mentoring Series.

A history of the Society's Collections catalogues
A guide to the history and structures of the Society's historic Collections catalogues, to be read alongside our guidance for using the Collections.

Unlocking the archives
This resource discusses the Unlocking the archives project, a major initiative undertaken by the Society from 2000-2004 to open up its building and Collections to new audiences, funded by the Heritage Lottery Foundation.

Research Group Professional Development Series: what is good mentoring?

Top ten tips for writing a conference abstract
This resource, written by Dr Phil Emmerson for the Society's Postgraduate Forum, provides 10 top tips for writing a conference abstract.

Teaching and Scholarship Forum (TeaS)
A forum for meeting, sharing and supporting teaching and scholarship in higher education.