Higher Education resources for geography
Through resources, events, programmes, exhibitions, policy consultation responses and briefings, the Society aims to support high quality teaching and learning in geography. Use the search box and filters to access more resources.
A history of the Society's Collections catalogues
A guide to the history and structures of the Society's historic Collections catalogues, to be read alongside our guidance for using the Collections.
Unlocking the archives
This resource discusses the Unlocking the archives project, a major initiative undertaken by the Society from 2000-2004 to open up its building and Collections to new audiences, funded by the Heritage Lottery Foundation.
Top ten tips for researching in archives
Hints and tips for searching and using the RGS-IBG Collections
Getting started with archival research
Advice for students conducting their first archival research project.
Indigenous mapping and colonial cartography
A workshop providing an introduction to Indigenous maps in the Society's Collections.
Hidden Histories of Exploration
A workshop investigating the role indigenous people played in the history of exploration, compiled by Joy Slappnig.
Animals in the Royal Geographical Society’s archives
A Be Inspired talk by Dr Catherine Oliver. Through stories of work, companionship, conflict, and discovery, animals are rethought as important geographical actors.