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The focus of the module is how and why climates change, what the impacts of this change might be, and how we can behave sustainably to limit the impacts of global warming.

Climate change is a well publicised issue, and there are many contrasting theories around the topic. The module introduces ideas about why climate change occurs, and the impact this can have on various locations throughout the world. Students are encouraged to think about place and understand the physical characteristics that cause differing climates, and through this they also learn about the physical processes associated with extreme weather conditions and how humans have adapted their lives to minimise the impact of these events.

The module moves on to cover ideas of scale, looking at local, national and international impacts on our climate. Students will be introduced to ideas of interdependence, and will explore the environmental and economic connections between places.

Sustainability and looking towards the future are discussed in the final two lessons, where students are asked to look at climate predictions written by experts in order to decide which areas of the world are likely to be most affected by climate change. Cultural understanding and diversity are touched upon here, with students considering the implications of changing actions on a variety of different countries.


File nameFiles

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Changing Climates Factsheet


128 KB

Changing Climates Factsheet (1)


172 KB

Changing Climates Module Overview


11 KB

Changing Climates Module Overview


59 KB

Changing Climates Module Plan


205 KB

Changing Climates Module Plan (1)


253 KB

Changing climates lesson 1 location cards 1


48 KB

Changing Climates Lesson 1 Images of Extreme Weather Conditions


1 MB

Changing Climates Lesson Postcard Template


39 KB

Changing climates lesson 1 location cards 2


47 KB

Changing Climates Lesson 2 Word Version of the Climate System Interactive


824 KB

Changing climates lesson 3 location cards 1


48 KB

Changing climates lesson 3 location cards 2


47 KB

Changing climates lesson 3 rising temperatures word version of the interactive


651 KB

Changing Climates Lesson 4 IPCC Scenarios Factsheet


871 KB

Changing Climates Lesson 4 IPCC Scenarios Factsheet Projection Based on Scenarios


1 MB

Changing Climates Lesson 5 Summary Sheet Template


46 KB

Changing Climates Lesson 5 IPCC Regional Climate Predictions


59 KB

Changing Climates Lesson 6 Images of Extreme Weather


1 MB

Changing Climates Lesson 6 Location Cards Set 2


47 KB

Changing Climates Lesson 6 Climate Change: Those at Greatest Risk from Cyclones and Rising Seas


2 MB

Changing Climates Lesson 6 Location Cards Set 1


48 KB

Changing Climates Lesson 7 Case Studies Information Sheet


52 KB

Changing Climates Lesson 7 Who Can Do What? Word Version of Interactive


160 KB

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