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On Wednesday 27 March 2024 the Society co-hosted 'The future for rural mobility' symposium with of The University of Hertfordshire's Smart Mobility Unit and Transport East.

Professor Stephen Joseph said ‘While much research on transport and mobility is focused on cities, there is a need to look at transport policy and governance options for rural areas. These areas account for a lot of private car use and hence surface transport carbon emissions. The University of Hertfordshire’s Smart Mobility Unit has been developing work in this area, including a series of roundtables. It has been working closely with Transport East, which is the lead sub-national transport body on rural transport in England and has held a call for evidence on rural mobility. The University will continue to work with the Society to develop this theme and look at future action in this area". 

The agenda explored issues including:

•    The challenges for rural transport - especially tackling social exclusion and the climate emergency.
•    The future of rural public transport.
•    Low carbon tourism and leisure.
•    New directions in rural transport, including mobility hubs and e-bikes. 

The presentations from the day are provided below: 

  1. Ian Philips- Rural transport and the climate emergency.pdf
  2. Kris Beuret- Transport related social exclusion.pdf
  3. Sharon Payne- Rural Transport and the sub national transport bodies.pdf
  4. Silviya Barrett- The current state of public transport in rural areas.pdf
  5. Beate Kubitz- The impact of a DRT service in improving rural accessibility.pdf
  6. Melanie Watson- Transport for Cornwall case study.pdf
  7. Tracy Kearns- Rural transport in Wales.pdf
  8. Alistair Kirkbride- Low carbon rural tourism.pdf
  9. Trevor Brennan- Mobility hubs.pdf
  10. Jenny Milne- The Scottish Landscape.pdf
  11. Mark Strong- E-bikes a rural game changer.pdf
  12. Robinn Pointon- Reducing car dependence in new urban extensions.pdf

If you have any questions about these presentations, please contact either the presenter via details within the slides or 

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